How to create a great Social Media Marketing on a Small Budget.
Today I want to reveal you how you can create a great Social Media Marketing even if you don’t have a big budget. Usually people thinks that they need a lot of money to promote their products or services. Believe me when I say that it’s not true.
I know how it’s hard to decide how to spend your founds to start promoting your online business, especially if you do not have experience in this area.
That’s why I’ve decided to show you a very simple solution that you can use for your online marketing and, at the same time, that will save your money. It’s a step-by-step guide that you can immediately use after you’ve read this article.
So, pay attention, let’s start!
Create Social Media Business Profiles
That’s probably the easiest solution you can use to start promoting yourself and your products. Nowadays this is the fundamental begin of every online business.
- – It’s completely free
- – It’s easy to create
- – It’s easy to use
- – It’s a direct contact with your potential clients
- – It can reach thousands of potential clients
So, first of all you have to choose no more than two or three social media. Don’t open many profiles because it will be harder to handle them all.
To do it, try to find out which platforms your hypothetical client uses.
Usually, the most widely used are:
- – Linked in
- – Google Plus
Create your business profile and start to get followers.
Join Relevant Social Media Groups
It’s really important for your business not to start immediately to promote your products or services on your business profile. The best thing is to start with building relationship with other
people who are interested in your industry’s area: it will help you to create your reputation and to get your name out of there.
A good choice is to join relevant group where people will begin to know you. Most of social media are available for almost any industry (especially Linked in). It would be great for you to create your own group and to interact with your followers through discussions.
Remember that it’s important to be as much available as you can, you have to become a friend for them, a person they can trust.
Create a Schedule for New Post
Now that you have a follower base, you must think about a schedule for you post.
It’s better to avoid self-promoting post, they never get good results.
You have to find a good balance between three different kind of post:
- – Self-promotion post
- – Helpful post
- – Curating post
If you want your reputation to grow and your new business to be successful, more or less half of your post should give beneficial information that your followers will enjoy.
Because your client will feel that they are getting much more than what they have paid for!
To do it, I suggest you to look around in the web: there are tons of free content that you can use and that your follower will find useful. Do not forget to use catchy and funny images, people like that kind of iussues.
Create a Facebook Ad Campaign
Over 70% of internet users have a Facebook account. It means that you can achieve a very large segment of population and that you have a good chance to get your target.
Now pay attention on this:
When you start a Facebook advertisement Campaign you must choose a PAY-PER-IMPRESSIONS instead of a PAY-PER-CLICK.
If you do it like this, for only few dollars thousand people will see the post you promoted.
It’s a really cheap way to promote your online business. For example, a Google AdWords campaign could cost you hundreds and hundreds dollars.
Offer a Freebie Item to New Followers
This tip can really boost your sells.
It’s a good solution to give to your new followers a Free Content to download.
Because it’s a great way to start a relationship!
Think about it: the first thing that you do for your potential clients it’s not to try to sell him your product but it’s to give him something useful for free.
How do you think he will feel?
I’m sure you know the answer.
So, I want to give you an example of a free content for you followers that will not cost you a dime: create a short guide.
Do not worry, it’s simple and it will not take you a lot of time, the only thing that you have to do is to follows this steps:
- – Choose a topic related to your products or services.
- – Find related content on the web (blog, documents, wiki).
- – Create a simple pdf with your logo and the content you have find.
Once you’ve created your free item, you should create a spot on your website to provide users with the download link. If the visitor clicks on the link to follow you on Facebook, he will get the download link.
We walked through a smart, simple and incredibly cheap solution to promote your online business. Personally, I think that it’s one of the best driver that a start-up online business can use to grow fast without spending a lot of money.
Of course, to get the best results you have to focus on this plan of action: whit a small work you will get great results!